SCinet, SC’s dedicated high-performance research network and backbone of information and communication, is running a new “pilot” program that will fund up to five US women candidates in their early to mid-career to join the SCinet volunteer workforce for SC15. Marla Meehl “I am very excited to be enabling career women to expand their experience […]
Archives for July 2015
Technical Program Deadline Extended to Friday, August 7
The deadline for remaining Technical Program submissons has been extended to Friday, August 7, including Emerging Technologies, Posters, ACM Student Research Competition Posters, Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs), Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Program, and Doctoral Showcase.Visit the Technical Program page for more information. Deadline: Friday, August 7 Web Submissions: click here
SC15 Registration Is Open!
The wildly popular Austin, Texas is the location of SC15 this November. Registration for SC15 is now open and will be held November 15-20 in Austin, Texas. This year’s registration offers several options for discounted rates, as well as an opportunity to participate in the Mentor-Protégé program. Here are some key points about SC15 registration: […]
July 31 is the Final Deadline for Remaining Technical Program Submissions!
Friday, July 31 is the final deadline for several Technical Program submissions, including Emerging Technologies, Posters, ACM Student Research Competition Posters, Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs), Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Program, and Doctoral Showcase. Submissions due: Friday, July 31 Web submissions: Show Off Your Next-Gen Innovations in the Emerging Technologies Track The Emerging Technologies […]
SC15 Technical Program Committee Update from Recent Austin Meeting
The SC15 Technical Program Committee met in Austin on June 22nd-23rd. During the meeting, 358 paper submissions were discussed in nine different focus areas. Out of these papers, 57 papers were accepted for presentation at SC15 and 22 were accepted with shepherds. The Program Committee also nominated five papers for the Best Paper award and […]
Poster & Student Research Competition Poster Submissions due July 31, 2015
SC Posters are known for facilitating open discussions, ideas and collaboration. SC15 is soliciting submissions for Posters and Student Research Competition Posters that display cutting-edge research and work in progress in high performance computing, storage, networking and analysis. Posters provide an excellent opportunity for short presentations and informal discussions with conference attendees. Posters will be […]
Focus on Austin: Electric Bicycle Foodie Tour
Article courtesy of Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau – The 1st in a series of articles about fun and interesting things to do in Austin. Nicole Zinn and John Dawson wanted to show people around Austin from the perspective of a local. They agreed there’s no better way to do that than on a bicycle. […]
1988 Gordon Bell Prize Creates Foundation for Successful HPC Career
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Deputy Director Horst Simon still displays the 1988 Gordon Bell Prize he shared in. Behind him is the 2009 Gordon Bell Prize awarded to a team he was a part of. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt, LBNL. In the foyer of the main building at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a panel displaying […]