Each year SC provides the leading technical program in the supercomputing community – as measured by impact – with a review process that meets the highest academic and professional standards. The Technical Program is also the broadest and largest of any HPC conference, with venues ranging from invited talks, panels and research papers to tutorials, workshops, posters, BOF sessions, and a graduate showcase. Being part of the SC Technical Program greatly enhances any HPC career, whether you are unveiling new research, working at the leading edge of HPC practice, or helping teach the next generation.
Be sure to pay close attention to submission dates. In particular, the submission due date for technical papers will be somewhat earlier than in previous years, so be sure not to miss this important deadline!
NEW! State-of-the-Practice Track
Innovation is the heart of HPC; it’s what empowers our community to push the frontiers of science and engineering. SC has always been the home for leading research in HPC. But traditional research captures only a small part of the innovation driving our community forward. Each year SC brings together thousands of individuals from around the world who are the ones responsible for building and delivering leading-edge capabilities to HPC users.
SC16 marks the beginning of a multi-year emphasis on advancing our community’s state-of-the-practice. A new program track will include all aspects related to the practical use of HPC, including infrastructure, services, facilities, and large-scale application executions. The state-of-the-practice track will include special sessions, papers, panels, workshops, and tutorials that develop and share best practices. Submissions are encouraged from all areas of practice (e.g., system and center determination).