SC16 provides several showcase events to introduce attendees to the many ways that HPC matters in our world. These showcase events include:
- Doctoral Showcase
- Emerging Technologies
- Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics
- HPC Impact Showcase
Doctoral Showcase
As part of the Technical Program, the Doctoral Showcase provides an important opportunity for students near the end of their Ph.D. to present a summary of their dissertation research in the form of short talks and posters. Unlike technical paper and poster presentations, Doctoral Showcase highlights the entire contents of each dissertation, including previously published results, to allow for a broad perspective of the work.
For information on how to submit, visit the Doctoral Showcase Submitter’s page.
In the Emerging Technologies track of the Technical Program, SC16 will examine innovative solutions that may significantly improve and extend the world of HPC in the next five to fifteen years. Consisting of carefully selected exhibits and presentations, Emerging Technologies will showcase technologies that are innovative from industry, government labs or initiatives, and academia but not yet available from industry as products. Technologies such as reconfigurable computing, new SoC designs, 3D memory technologies, non-volatile memory, alternative programming languages, and novel cooling techniques may offer medium-term benefits, while new device technologies such as carbon nanotubes, photonic interconnects, and chip-level optical interconnects as well as quantum computing and next-generation optical computers offer potentially paradigm-changing benefits over the longer term.
For information on how to submit, visit the Emerging Technologies Submitter’s page.
Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics
SC16’s Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Program provides a forum for the year’s most instrumental movies in HPC. Six finalists will compete for the Best Visualization Award, and each finalist will present his or her movie during a dedicated session at SC16 in a 15-minute presentation. Movies are judged based on how their movie illuminates science, by the quality of the movie, and for innovations in the process used for creating the movie.
For information on how to submit, visit the Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Submitter’s page.
The HPC Impact Showcase highlights real-world applications of high performance computing (HPC) at companies who are currently employing HPC to advance their competitiveness and innovation in the global marketplace.
The Showcase is designed to introduce attendees to the many ways that HPC matters in our world, through testimonials from companies large and small. Rather than a technical deep dive of how they are using or managing their HPC environments, their stories are meant to tell how their companies are adopting and embracing HPC as well as how it is improving their businesses.
Whether you are new to HPC or a long-time professional, you are sure to learn something new and exciting in the HPC Impact Showcase. Presentations will be framed for a non-expert audience interested in technology, and will discuss how the use of HPC has resulted in design, engineering, or manufacturing innovations.
For information on how to submit, visit the HPC Impact Showcase Submitters page.