SC16 Salt Lake City, UT

51. Open XDMoD Job Viewer: A Tool to Monitor Job Performance

Authors: Joseph P. White (University at Buffalo)Ryan Rathsam (University at Buffalo)Cynthia D. Cornelius (University at Buffalo)Robert L. DeLeon (University at Buffalo)Thomas R. Furlani (University at Buffalo)Steven M. Gallo (University at Buffalo)Matthew D. Jones (University at Buffalo)Abani K. Patra (University at Buffalo)Jeanette M. Sperhac (University at Buffalo)Thomas Yearke (University at Buffalo)Jeffrey T. Palmer (University at Buffalo)Nikolay Simakov (University at Buffalo)Martins Innus (University at Buffalo)Benjamin D. Plessinger (University at Buffalo)

Abstract: Open XDMoD is a web-based tool intended to provide HPC stakeholders with a variety of usage and performance data. One new feature of Open XDMoD is the Job Viewer that allows users and user support personnel to view detailed job-level performance information. The user can inspect detailed time-dependent performance data (obtained from performance co-pilot or an analogous utility) to determine how efficiently their job ran and, if performance was poor, to gain insight into possible causes of the problem and how to fix it. This poster provides basic information regarding the job-level performance data that is available through the Open XDMoD Job Viewer and how to use it to assess job performance.

Poster: pdf
Two-page extended abstract: pdf

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