SC16 Salt Lake City, UT

59. Data-Driven Workflows on Crays with Hybrid Scheduling: A Case Study of Celera on Magnus

Authors: Charlene Yang (Pawsey Supercomputing Center)Seyhan Yazar (University of Western Australia)George Gooden (University of Western Australia)Alex Hewitt (University of Western Australia)

Abstract: This poster presents an example of data-driven workflows running on a SLURM+ALPS scheduled Cray machine at Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. This example adapts the de novo assembly software WGS-Celera, which originally has no SLURM support, to be able to dynamically request resources and distribute work through the hybrid scheduling system on Magnus, a Cray XC40 at Pawsey. The changes made to the code are uploaded to GitHub, and some insights about the adaptation are offered in this poster to benefit other users of Celera or other similarly-structured workflows around the world.

Poster: pdf
Two-page extended abstract: pdf

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