Student Volunteers: @StudentsSC
Important Dates:
February 15, 2016: Web application submissions open for Student Volunteers
June 1, 2016: Web application submissions for Student Volunteers deadline
Student Volunteers play a key role in supporting the overall conference and conference attendees. Undergraduate and graduate student volunteers help with the administration of the conference and have the opportunity to participate in student-oriented activities, including professional development workshops, technical talks by famous researchers and industry leaders, exploring the exhibits and developing lasting peer connections.
This year the Student Volunteers program will accept an increased number of students, both local and international, with the goal of transitioning students into the main conference by way of the Technical Program, Doctoral Showcase, and Early Career professional development sessions. With the increased number of students we are accepting this year, we will require assistance from universities/institutions/organizations to help support students to the conference. Please see below the expenses that will be covered or not be covered by the conference. For questions regarding the program, please email
Expenses covered by the Conference
- Housing
- Travel Grant
- Due to limited support for transportation expenses, such as airfare, we encourage each student to seek
travel funding from his or her institution or organization first before applying for the travel grant.
- Due to limited support for transportation expenses, such as airfare, we encourage each student to seek
Expenses NOT covered by the Conference
- Per Diem
- Conference Registration ($650) $150
- Students will have full conference access
We encourage each student to seek funding from his or her institution or organization for per diem expenses (meals and incidentals), and conference registration.
Application Requirements
- Complete an application to the Student Volunteers program. Click here to apply.
- Student Travel Funding Commitment (STFC) Form
- The STFC form must be completed by the students’ institution or organization. If a student is covering their own expenses without the assistance of their institution or organization, this must be indicated in the “Comments” box on the STFC form.
- The form will be uploaded as a part of the application. See the “Tips for Seeking Funds” section below for ways to seek funding assistance.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a professor, advisor or other department personnel, which will also be uploaded
along with the application. - The deadline for applications is Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
**Please note: The application process will not be considered finalized until the STFC form has been completed and uploaded along with the application.**
Tips for Seeking Funds
Depending on the size of your school, there may be a variety of places to request funding for travel related to your studies. Many schools may not publicize the availability of these funds, so you’ll need to ask. Here’s a step-by-step way to do that. Prepare your ideas in advance so you make a favorable impression.
- Your advisor. Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate, you likely have an advisor. This person may or may not be able to directly support your travel to SC, but, if they can’t directly help you, they may give you some good ideas on who can!
- Your Department Head. Most departments actually set aside money specifically for student travel. If you tell them you’ve applied to the Student Volunteer Program at SC and tell them what you will gain from this experience, they will likely support you!
- Your Dean.The dean’s office also typically has discretionary funds for this purpose. This should not be a scary thing – deans actually love to see students, especially those who are active in their research communities. You will make their day by going to see them!
- Association of Students or other student groups. These organizations may also have funds available to students for conference travel. Keep in mind that these organizations sometimes only meet monthly, so contact them early to get information on the procedure and time frame for requesting funds.
- Vice President or Chancellor for Research. Call the main number to this office and explain that you’re a student seeking conference travel funds. The person who answers the phone will likely direct you to the right person to talk to in the office.
- College Research Dean and College Education Dean. Call the office main number and explain that you’re a student seeking conference travel funds. You will likely be directed to the right person to ask in the office. You may be required to make an appointment to see the dean. If this is the case, have your short speech prepared so you can make your case succinctly and effectively. These people are busy and don’t have time to extract the nature of your request from you!
- Graduate School. Just because you’re an undergrad doesn’t mean you can’t request funds from the grad school. You may be a future grad student! The grad school does have funds to support student activities such as conference travel. Call the main office number to determine to whom you should talk about your request.
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