SALT LAKE CITY–SC16, the 28th annual international conference of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, celebrated the contributions of researchers and scientists – from those just starting their careers to those whose contributions have made lasting impacts. The conference drew more than 11,100 registered attendees and featured a technical program spanning six days. The […]
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Deadline Approaching: Nominations for SC15 Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards due July 1
AUSTIN, Texas–Each year, the global supercomputing community honors a handful of the leading contributors to the field with the presentation of the IEEE Seymour Cray Computer Science and Engineering Award, the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award and the ACM-IEEE Ken Kennedy Award. Nominations for these awards to be presented at SC15 in Austin are now […]
Nominations for SC15 Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards due July 1
AUSTIN, Texas–Each year, the global supercomputing community honors a handful of the leading contributors to the field with the presentation of the IEEE Seymour Cray Computer Science and Engineering Award, the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award and the ACM-IEEE Ken Kennedy Award. Nominations for these awards to be presented at SC15 in Austin are now […]